Temporal Validity Support is used with Oracle Flashback Technology for queries that specify the valid time period in AS OF and VERSIONS BETWEEN clauses.

Create a test table and populate with some data as follows:

SQL> CREATE TABLE available_models
  2  (
  3    recno           NUMBER,
  4    car_make        VARCHAR2(30),
  5    car_model       VARCHAR2(30),
  6    start_time      TIMESTAMP,
  7    end_time        TIMESTAMP,
  8    PERIOD FOR model_valid_time
  9      (start_time, end_time)
 10  );

Table created.

SQL> INSERT INTO available_models
  2  VALUES (1, 'Ford', 'Corsair', TO_DATE('1964-01','YYYY-MM'), 
  3          TO_DATE('1970-01','YYYY-MM'));

1 row created.

SQL> INSERT INTO available_models
  2  VALUES (2, 'Ford', 'Country Squire', TO_DATE('1950-01','YYYY-MM'), 
  3          TO_DATE('1992-01','YYYY-MM'));

1 row created.

SQL> INSERT INTO available_models
  2  VALUES (3, 'Ford', 'Executive', TO_DATE('1966-01','YYYY-MM'), 
  3          TO_DATE('1972-01','YYYY-MM'));

1 row created.


Commit complete.

The PERIOD FOR clause defines the valid time periods for data. In this example, we are using the START_TIME and END_TIME columns in AVAILABLE_MODELS table.

Table data will have the following distribution:

                     1950  1964  1966 1970 1972  1992

Ford Corsair                |-----------|
Ford Country Squire   |---------------------------|
Ford Executive                     |--------|

With a period defined on the AVAILABLE_MODELS table, now we can display those car models that were active during a specific date range.

Let's query for a data range where we expect to find all rows returned. Use 1968 as model valid time:

SQL> set linesize 100
SQL> col car_make format a10
SQL> col car_model format a30
SQL> SELECT car_make,
  2         car_model,
  3         to_char(start_time,'yyyy-mm') STIME,
  4         to_char(end_time,'yyyy-mm') ETIME
  5  FROM   available_models
  6  AS OF PERIOD FOR model_valid_time TO_DATE('1968-01','yyyy-mm')
  7  ORDER BY 4;

CAR_MAKE   CAR_MODEL                      STIME   ETIME
---------- ------------------------------ ------- -------
Ford       Corsair                        1964-01 1970-01
Ford       Executive                      1966-01 1972-01
Ford       Country Squire                 1950-01 1992-01

As expected, 3 rows were returned.

Now, just focus on a data subset, for example use 1971 as valid date. We expect to receive only 2 rows as resultset.

SQL> SELECT car_make,
  2         car_model,
  3         to_char(start_time,'yyyy-mm') STIME,
  4         to_char(end_time,'yyyy-mm') ETIME
  5  FROM   available_models
  6  AS OF PERIOD FOR model_valid_time TO_DATE('1971-01','yyyy-mm')
  7  ORDER BY 4;

CAR_MAKE   CAR_MODEL                      STIME   ETIME
---------- ------------------------------ ------- -------
Ford       Executive                      1966-01 1972-01
Ford       Country Squire                 1950-01 1992-01

As expected, we received just 2 rows, as "Ford Corsair" element is out of queried range.

Temporal Validity Support can be added to an existing table without explicitly adding columns.

For example, drop and create table AVAILABLE_MODELS without START_TIME and END_TIME columns:

SQL> DROP TABLE available_models PURGE;

Table dropped.

SQL> CREATE TABLE available_models
  2  (
  3    recno             NUMBER,
  4    car_make          VARCHAR2(30),
  5    car_model         VARCHAR2(30)
  6  );

Table created.

Now add the Temporal Validity Support to AVAILABLE_MODELS executing the following ALTER TABLE statement:

SQL> ALTER TABLE available_models
  2    ADD PERIOD FOR model_valid_time;

Table altered.

The preceding statement adds two hidden columns to the table AVAILABLE_MODELS: "model_valid_time_START" and "model_valid_time_END". As they are hidden columns, these columns do not appear in the output of the SQL*Plus DESCRIBE statement, and SELECT statements show the data in these columns only if the SELECT list explicitly includes the column names.

Let's verify this behavior:

SQL> DESC available_models
 Name                                      Null?    Type
 ----------------------------------------- -------- --------------------------
 RECNO                                              NUMBER
 CAR_MAKE                                           VARCHAR2(30)
 CAR_MODEL                                          VARCHAR2(30)

SQL> SELECT recno, car_model,
  2         model_valid_time_START,
  3         model_valid_time_END
  4  FROM   available_models;

no rows selected

Populate the table with the same data, but this time the column list must be defined in the statement:

SQL> INSERT INTO available_models
  2    (recno, car_make, car_model, 
  3      model_valid_time_START, model_valid_time_END)
  4  VALUES (1, 'Ford', 'Corsair', TO_DATE('1964-01','YYYY-MM'), 
  5          TO_DATE('1970-01','YYYY-MM'));

1 row created.

SQL> INSERT INTO available_models
  2    (recno, car_make, car_model, 
  3      model_valid_time_START, model_valid_time_END)
  4  VALUES (2, 'Ford', 'Country Squire', TO_DATE('1950-01','YYYY-MM'), 
  5          TO_DATE('1992-01','YYYY-MM'));

1 row created.

SQL> INSERT INTO available_models
  2    (recno, car_make, car_model, 
  3      model_valid_time_START, model_valid_time_END)
  4  VALUES (3, 'Ford', 'Executive', TO_DATE('1966-01','YYYY-MM'), 
  5          TO_DATE('1972-01','YYYY-MM'));

1 row created.


Commit complete.

And now execute a sample query to validate range availability. Query table again using 1971 as valid date. We expect to receive only 2 rows as resultset:

SQL> SELECT car_make,
  2         car_model,
  3         to_char(model_valid_time_END,'yyyy-mm') ETIME
  4  FROM   available_models
  5  AS OF PERIOD FOR model_valid_time TO_DATE('1971-01','yyyy-mm')
  6  ORDER BY 3;

CAR_MAKE   CAR_MODEL                      ETIME
---------- ------------------------------ -------
Ford       Executive                      1972-01
Ford       Country Squire                 1992-01

A future post will address Temporal Validity Support and Flashback technology working together.

Link to script that contains the examples in this post.
